After twenty plus years as a massage therapist, I retired and started to crochet. Huh. Annie's Hands still works.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Red and Yellow Stripes
Stripes! Sort of a Cat in the Hat sort of thing, eh? The colors were determined by the yarn on hand. Someone on Freecycle gave me several trash bags full of all kinds of yarn. Such luck! The hat is Tapestry Crochet, which makes it not as stretchy. The scarf is done in alternating rings of color. Next time I'll try doing the hat that way.
Annie's Hands was the name of my massage therapy practice. I was in the massage game for 22+ years before moving to Wheeling and retiring from hands on work. Tapestry crochet kept me off the streets for a while, but now I am all about wood turning. Annie's Hands keep busy!
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