After twenty plus years as a massage therapist, I retired and started to crochet. Huh. Annie's Hands still works.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Annie Makes Hats
Check it out - I made a hat! I followed directions and made something that I did not design myself! Up to now, this has not been possible, because I have no earthly idea how to read a pattern. They are full of abbreviations and assumptions of what you know. But this pattern, or set of directions, was written by someone who bridges that gap by writing her patterns in plain English. What an innovation!This first one turned out a little coneheaded, but that's ok. Hats made after the first one fit better.
Carol Ventura is the mastermind behind all this. More about her in the next post. First I'm gonna show off my pretty hats.
This hat is made in the colors of Mardi Gras, that being the time of year and all. I had a particular Mardi Gras partygoer in mind, but once it was finished, it was snapped up by a certain blonde. She likes wearing it turned up at the bottom, with the option of pulling it down over her ears when things get chilly.
Here's the top of the hat, and the pretty design crocheted into it.
And look inside - no loose threads! This is the beauty of Tapestry Crochet. There is no 'wrong' side to the fabric. The inactive color gets carried inside the active color, and serves to strengthen the fabric at the same time. No cutting, tying knots, weaving in loose ends, or dangly yarns hanging loose inside your hat.
So I've proved to myself I can make a hat. What else can I do? With the Schess in mind, (and thinking of that stolen hat) I made one for the architect.
This hat got made several times, pulled out, made again, over and over, round and round. In the process some shortcuts became necessary. When pulling out a row, it is difficult to know where to stop pulling. So now each row gets marked with a different color thread stuck in the last stitch in a row, and that color gets noted on the pattern.
A new set of alphabet letters was made for this hat. I now know that small letters can be readable at this size.
The buildings were not too tricky. The main headache was getting the curve into the hat in the proper proportions.
Annie's Hands was the name of my massage therapy practice. I was in the massage game for 22+ years before moving to Wheeling and retiring from hands on work. Tapestry crochet kept me off the streets for a while, but now I am all about wood turning. Annie's Hands keep busy!
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